Quik - 0% attendance - 100% punktuality






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This is a 4 track Demo from the Aberdeen three piece Quik and is a good example of the sort of music that this band produce – skate punk in a melodic kind of fashion. They are starting to develop into their own unique sound and if you get this CD you can experience the fact for yourself.

It all kicks off with the track ‘No-Where Fast,’ a skate punk track with melodic vocals, fast drumming, and steaming guitars. This is one that you should definitely be listening to, with melodic vocals that are done to perfection, it really keeps your attention and at just under 3 minutes it doesn’t have time to get boring and annoying either so this is good. Track 2, ‘3’s A Crowd’ has a completely different feel about it though and has a Ska feel about it at times which is always a good thing to hear for me (being a Ska fan and all.) Again, the vocals are extremely melodic and a really laid back feel is created, with the Ska bits adding to this relaxed, chilled out feel. It is a bit faster than the other ones I think vocally but still remains melodic and still a brilliant tune. The drumming here is totally amazing and the first time I heard this one it blew me away, it is fast yet in time and knocks most drummers to shit with its greatness. If you like skate punk but fancy something a bit different then this is the one for you as it is totally unique and completely different to the other tracks on this demo, with faster paced vocals and a sound of their own that they really have strived to create for themselves. You can tell that this band are really coming into their own and are making a sound that is produced by nobody else out there and is sure to go down well within the scene.

The third track here, ‘Conversation Killer,’ is another melodic skate punk tune in the fashion of the first track. It is done well, but is probably my least favourite of the three as it is a little too slow for my liking the vocals going on a bit. It lasts for a hefty 3 minutes and for this style is an extremely long time as most songs of the sort last for about 2 and for me, does not do enough to last the whole four quarters and by the third – they are down by about 12. Things pick up again with the last track, ‘Time To Go’ though and with an infectious chorus you are sure to be singing away to yourself and before long you’ll be leaving people wondering why you’re singing your heart out in the middle of the street. The bass lines are strong, the guitar playing is wicked, the drumming is outstanding and the vocals are full of melodic intuition. If you like your skate punk melodic and with a distinct British feel about it then check out this band because this is what they produce and there is no denying it. This is one of the best ones on here and even if nothing else pleases you, the chorus is sure to put a smile on your face with its catchiness and ability to sing it like you really mean it. Good end to the demo here, with an awesome track that is sure to catch your attention and get you tapping your feet madly to the beat.

So here we have three good tracks (1.2, + 4) and one which in my opinion is lacking – so 75% good is not a bad percentage and still makes it well worth checking out. Melodic Skate Punk at its finest I say and remember – what I say goes on this website! If there is one complaint I would make it is that this band cant seem to be anything other than ‘nice.’ The vocals never even have a tinge of hardcore but really they don’t need it to liven them up as they are superb without it and make way for a good listen which will have you hooked within seconds. Check this band out if you are after a band that are Skate Punk, melodic, but also like to do their own thing.