Electric Eel Shock – Do The Metal






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This is a three track single from the Japanese masters of metal Electric Eel Shock and with this mighty single the band show off some more of their near on perfect Metal/Rock ‘n Roll tunes.

All three of these tracks are of an extremely high standard and from these tunes it is easy to see why Kerrang have given them three 5/5 Live rating in a row. They are definitely going to make it big and my guess is that it won’t be long before they do as with this single they are sure to hit the masses in some form or another and the public would be dumb not to take notice of them with the standard of this single. The tune which is the single track, ‘Do The Metal’ is a cool tune with some great lyrics and amazing vocals but my favourite of the three on display is ‘Japanese Meets Chinese In USA’ by far as it is just such a cool tune with some storming bass lines, firing guitar riffs, fast drumming and amazing vocals. This is a really strong tune and although all three of these are of an extremely high standard, I just feel that this one has more power and energy than the other two and that is what made it stand out to me as being better than the rest.

If you are a fan of the Metal / Heavy Rock kind of genre then make sure you check this band out as they have so much talent that it is unbelievable! I am sure that they will be big before the year is out – maybe even before the end of the month, they are that good. I now consider myself to be a strong fan of this band as what they do is absolutely brilliant and personally I love it. I wish that their could be more bands as exciting as these guys as there are a lot of boring bands around that are popular and don’t deserve to be – if these guys get popular they will deserve every minute of it!