Trucks – Monkey See, Monkey Do






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  You may remember this band from the massive hit single that was ‘Its Just Porn Mum.’ When this single was released and there was no visible album it looked as though the band Trucks were set to be a one hit wonder band but with this single and an album behind their belts the guys have really proved us all wrong. This track is about the TV generation copying what we see on TV – hence the title ‘Monkey See, Monkey Do’ and is about copying stunts seen on Jackass, Tom Green etc.

This is a cool single which is sure to make the Gut Records band a big name once again and should encourage a fair few people to go out and buy the album. This track has a catchy beat, strong bass lines, amazing guitar riffs, super drumming, and amazing vocals that will almost certainly please you. This track is absolutely destined for great things I reckon because it really is an amazingly catchy song and with a funny video to go with it being played on all the top music channels it is sure to get some serious recognition. ‘Monkey See, Monkey Do’ highlights the irony of parents raising children to watch TV yet when actions seen on TV are copied by them see it as stupidity. It is sure to appeal to the teen audience that watch programmes such as Jackass, Dirty Sanchez, The Tom Green Show etc as well as maybe a younger audience due to its general catchy beat and strong video. If you were a fan of the comical first single then this track will definitely appeal to your lighter nature as it is in my opinion a better written song than the previous, is ten times catchier, and is something that the young generation can really relate to. Although on all the stunts programmes they say ‘don’t try this at home’ this of course does not stop people and what Trucks are singing about in this track probably does apply to a fair few people.

I will definitely try and check out the bands album after hearing this track as it really has appealed to me and put a nice big smile on my face. Like many others are sure to think, I feel that I can really relate to this young band as instead of pretending to be interested in politics etc, they are sticking to what they know best and singing about every day events. It can be so fake sometimes when bands sing about political issues when they clearly don’t know anything about what they are singing about and are merely trying to create an image for themselves which they consider to be ‘cool.’ Check out for regular updates on this bands progress and remember to go out and buy this single when it is released.