Bitch Alert – Loveson






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  Ok, I saw the video for this track on Scuzz TV today and realised that it was about time that I got around to reviewing this track as I have had it for a while now and being my lazy self have done nothing about it. This single is going to be released on the 3rd of May through Propaganda/EMI so make sure you rush out and get it when it comes out because it’s a really cool little single.

This is a one track Promo of the single and although this band is a girl band, it is probably not what you would expect to hear from one. Bitch Alert play angry, aggressive music with grunge like tendencies of guitar distortion coupled with pop sensibilities which make this track amazingly aggressive while at the same time being as adorable as a newly born puppy. You just cant get enough of this track and overtime it stops playing, you just have to give it another spin as its so good – also, the more you listen to it the more it grows on you and the more you love it! Like I have already mentioned, this band have fuzzy, distorted guitars, yet they also have melodic bass lines, some strong guitar riffs, and some power hungry vocals that will shock you that they actually came out of a woman’s mouth as they are so angry and unladylike – this is of course no bad thing and is a treat to listen to. If you like your music loud then Bitch Alert are definitely the band for you as they play their music loud, gritty, and full of energy. This band are the real deal and they have everything going for them.

In terms of aggression, you probably wont find a more aggressive all girl group single than this – in terms of quality you DEFINITELY wont find it done better by anyone else, that my friends is a fact. I had never actually heard of the band before I received the single and the album through my door a few weeks ago (expect an album review up on the site in the not too distant future) but I have definitely not been disappointed with the quality of this band – in fact I am hungry for more and cant wait for the next release from this awesome Finnish three piece.