Adequate 7- Songs of Innocence and of Experience






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Adequate 7- Songs of Innocence and of Experience

So you like punk, funk and maybe a side order of jazz? well do i have a treat for you? This album is a mixture of jazz, funk and punk. I can say that this album is one of the most original i have heard, and one of the best household name releases since 'Civil Disobedients.' There are many funky, chilled out jazzy tunes on the album including 'the shape of funk to come' 'free the adequate 7' and 'grassroots resistance.' But theres also songs for you who like your guitars fast and your lyrics shouty, songs like 'everybody hates' and 'no space' are a huge contrast from the funkier tunes, this is sheer musical schizophrenia. Musically this band are sound, they are tighter than a ducks arse. The horns are played to perfection and sound more jazzy rather than skary (if thats actually a word). There is some great chillis style slap bass on there too. the lyrics are diverse, the singer manages to adapt his voice to the music well throughout the entire album.

Standout tracks for me are:

Best funky track- Grassroots Resistance
Best Punky track - No Space or Everybody hates

If you don't already have this album then buy it, it is amazing. Its good for punk fans, its good for funk fans and its good for the musically open minded.

Review by Andy