The Last Call Home Promotional Demo






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This is a 3 track demo CD from the Oxford band that is The Last Call Home and it lasts about 9 minutes so it makes it nice and easy for me to listen to and review. There are three tracks here of Pop-Punk and although it is unoriginal they are good at what they do and it is done well. All three of these tracks are neatly polished with strong vocals that really help to hold it together and their songs really seem to be centred around the vocals. The drumming is also strong on this CD but the Guitar playing is at times overpowered by the vocals as they are very loud and especially on track 3 they seem to actually block the guitar out which is not so good. This band definitely has a talent for what they are doing and they use their vocals well to get their music across with some strong guitar playing and drumming too on all three tracks that make this Demo a good demo as it is exciting and energetic and shows that this band can make pop-punk of a good standard and hopefully the band can develop further still from here and become an even more exciting band and they could probably quite easily sort out the overpowering of the guitar on track 3 as this is the only complaint I have about this CD. So an all round good demo from the Oxford band here, one that should get them a certain degree of critical acclaim and get them a larger fanbase.