Hacksaw - The Official Punk Rock Anthem Of The 2002 World Cup In Japan And Korea






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Hacksaw – The Official Punk Rock Anthem Of The 2002 World Cup In Japan And Korea

I don’t know a lot about this band but I sure as hell like their music. I’m not sure what they would class themselves as but I think a fitting description would be ‘comical pop punk.’ The first track, ‘Anthem’ is a tribute to the World Cup just like you would except because of its title, but the other 7 songs on this c.d. are truly comical and catchy pop punk songs. In my opinion ‘Fox Hunter,’ ‘Lets Get Wasted,’ and ‘Geese,’ are the songs that really stand out on this c.d. and show Hacksaw performing to the best of their ability. Although the cover and title are to do with football, track one is the only one that is actually about football so if you are not a fan of football don’t let the title make you avoid listening to this c.d. as you will be missing out on a mighty fine c.d. Some of the songs on this c.d. would probably be classed as pop punk but there is also some punk rock on this c.d. so they use varying styles depending on the mood of the song. It is a very British sounding c.d. with typically British lyrics, for instance ‘Beer and whisky egg and chips, lets get wasted,’ this sounds like the typical kind of thing coming from a British person. So all in all this is a good mix of pop punk and punk rock with an essence of humour added into the bundle.